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By Gordon Williamson,Darko Pavlovic

If one unmarried weapon in Germany's arsenal should be acknowledged to have come closest to successful the struggle for the 3rd Reich, it was once surely the U-Boat. German U-Boat know-how, education, strategies and strive against successes a ways passed these of any of the opposite combatant international locations, or even because the 3rd Reich was once crumbling, technically complicated vessels resembling the sort XXI, a long time sooner than its time, have been being positioned into quantity creation. Gordon Williamson presents a desirable evaluation of the achievements of the U-Boat Waffe in either wars, including a learn of the uniforms and insignia worn by way of U-Boat crews.

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U-Boat Crews 1914–45 (Elite) by Gordon Williamson,Darko Pavlovic

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